Our Data

What, where, and how often?


California Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) data

We acquire this raw data from all 58 California counties.


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Restricted Materials

The products in our core data (application records) are considered “restricted materials” in California, and must be reported by the 10th day the month following application. This is what controls how soon we can deliver this data to our clients.


Every four weeks we update our database with new product applications, contact information, and new features.


Typical Monthly Completeness %

Each update adds tens of thousands of application records, representing millions of treated acres. We estimate % completeness by comparing number of records to the previous year.
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We perform several quality checks, standardizations, and updates

We convert all planted and treated measurements to acres, add new products as they come on market, and standardize all commodities (crops).


Contact information is added for each and every application permit - with occupation, phone, email, mailing address and company website.


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Growers and applicators outside of California

We collect this contact and crop information from USDA, directories, publications and grower/applicator online presence (i.e., official websites and LinkedIn).